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Small Ways to Feel Empowered


I was never one for giving advice. I'm often wary of coming off as condescending since I've been accused of it once or twice and I have a flare for the dramatics, especially when I write. The truth is we are all learning and growing and deserve patience and empathy, so I hope you take these tips as a loving gesture and know that I'm trying, I'm learning and I'm probably going to make lots of mistakes along the way.

  1. Write small daily goals for yourself. I like to journal when I first wake up, since I usually have a lot of thoughts and ideas when I first wake up. In the mornings, with this momentum, I'll try to set three small goals for each day. Things like cooking a meal, doing laundry, or sending a few emails. While they may seem small and even feel like chores, framing them as goals allows you to celebrate your daily work and be kind to yourself.

  2. Compost! It's so easy. Whether you want to use food scraps to start your own garden, or you want to find a local organization that can pick up your scraps, save your food! By composting, you reduce food waste, helping you feel that you are doing your small part to try and help the growing climate crisis.

  3. Practice gratitude. When I journal, in addition to writing three goals, I often write three things that I am grateful for in that moment. It's easy to get caught up in the negative, especially now, when there's a whole lot of negative to go around, but it's also important to recognize all the wonderful things about life.

  4. Reflect on and evaluate your consumer choices. I found it really empowering to cut out fast fashion purchases completely because it allowed me to practice my political beliefs in my everyday life. Your transition into more ethical purchasing patterns does not happen overnight! If you have the financial means, avoid supporting companies with prices so low it makes you wonder how it's possible (hint: wage slavery). There is no ethical consumption under capitalism, but if we have the means, we can at least try.

  5. Express your love language to others. I find gift giving and acts of service to be very empowering. Whether that means volunteering in your community, cooking dinner for a loved one, or sending a friend a letter, doing something for someone else is empowering.

In order to fight forward, we have to be resilient and foster the energy we need in order to be brave in these troubling times. Remember, when you are helpless, you are not alone, and when you are empowered, you can empower those around you to create a better world and way forward.



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